IIS – International Integrated System established in 2008 and it is one of ITO Group (International Trade Office – ITO, International Carne Factory – ICF, International Coke Company – ICC and International Shipping Company – ISC).
Through the past few years IIS gained its customers satisfaction and loyalty, now we known as the home of high quality managed solutions and services that necessary for a successful business cycle to our customers.
Where we would like to see our company after 5 years
The world is changing all around us. To continue to thrive as a business over the next Five years and beyond, we must look ahead, understand the trends and forces that will shape our business in the future and move swiftly to prepare for what’s to come. We must get ready for tomorrow today. That’s what our 2020 Vision is all about. It creates a long-term destination for our business and provides us with a “Road map” for winning together with our partners.

IIS is the leading IT company that covers the Middle East , by creating strong & long-term relations with our customers and partners.
We provide solutions and services completely customized and dynamic to the needs and requirements of our customers.
Continuous Improvement, The desire and ability of the company to develop and incorporate ways to improve itself.

1-We know our customer
Before taking on our Client’s Business, We ask them what they are expecting to get out of our Service. Then Explain How We May Be Able To Respond To Their Needs. It Is Good Policy to Investigate Our Client’s Needs by Asking Simple Questions Such As “How Do You Want This to be done?”
2- Our Golden Rule
Sure We Treat Our Customers Well. The Work We Are Doing Is Extremely Important To Our Customers So we Have To Assure Them That it will Be Done Professionally and On Time. As Terri Seymour, Founder Of Web Success Central, Says, “The Customer Is The Reason For Your Business Success.”
3- Dependability is key
If We Agree To Complete A Project By A Certain Date, We Must Be Prepared To Meet That Deadline Even If It Means Sacrificing Personal Activities Or Money. We can go Extra Miles at No Additional Charge. Thoroughness Is Part Of Being Dependable; Our Clients Will Soon Realize That They Can Count On Us To Catch Their Mistakes.
4- We accept what we can do
When We Say Yes To Our Client, We Assure That We Can Deliver the Service Requested on Time, meeting our Customer Needs and within the agreed Budget for It. Only Accept Accounts That We Think We Could Do A Solid Job. WE never accept assignments that are far beyond ours Head, irrespective to our Eagerness to Prove Ourselves. If We Feel It Might Not Be Possible, Say No And Request More Time Or Suggest other Alternatives.
5-We can say “No”
Sure We Will Never Want To decline A Particular Kind Of Work once We Can Do It, but we go for business that within our circle of competence. However, If There Is A Job that We Absolutely Do Not Want To Do For Some Reasons, We May Suggest Another Service Provider That We Think Will Match The Requirements.
6- The Extensive Picture
We “International Integrated Systems” Sell Our Skills, Experience, Talents and innovations.
Please feel free to contact us
Call Now +2 (03) 49 53 937 / 925