Inventory management System is made up of several key components, all working together to create a cohesive inventory
Core Features
Order Management
Should inventory reach a certain threshold, a company’s inventory management system tell managers to reorder that product? This helps companies avoid running out of products or tying up too much capital in inventory.
Asset Tracking
When a product is in a warehouse or store, it can be tracked via its bar code and/or other tracking criteria, such as serial number. Inventory management System utilizes bar code.
Service Management
Companies that are primarily service-oriented rather than product-oriented can use inventory management system to track the cost of the materials they use to provide services, such as decoration supplies. This way, they can attach prices to their services that reflect the total cost of performing them.
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1. Create n level of item category.
2. Group price list in predefined types
3. Define car and driver data that are owned by company.
4. Define the different shipment methods that the user uses to transport the items.
5. Define the different payment terms that the user uses in any order or quote.
6. Define the different payment methods that the user uses in any order or quote.
7. Create different units of measurements with the ability to assign each unit to another using factor.
8. Assign different types of evaluation method.
9. Create different enclosure messages that to be used in communicating with internal and external parties
10. Define the gates and its related data.
11. Define custom fields used in items, customers, vendors and any defined application entity.
12. Define the sender mail configuration.
13. Import users from active directory
14. Create application users and determining their roles.
15. Create an account type determining the natural of the account type either debit or credit.
16. Define accounts in the chart of account that could be used to integrate with any accounting system.
17. Assign an alias to any account name in the chart of account
18. Group vendor and customer in n level of categories.
19. Define the internal department that will be used to trace any order.
20. Define colors that will be assigned to any item.
21. Define the company metadata that will be user in the official reports such that (commercial name, logo, registration number,…etch) .
22. Manage the auto generated code for all entities by defining a prefix, a suffix and the next number.
23. Define the country tax policy and choose with tax will be applied automatically to any item or no tax.
24. define different discount, grouping them in different types and assign them default values.
25. Define different charges, grouping them in different types and assign them default values.
26. Define titles for many subtotal when needed.
27. Define different sales territory in an n level hierarchy and determine the manger of each one.
28. List the internal and external sales with their commission.
29. Define the stores with address.
30. Store item with picture, name, code, bar code, original country, diminutions, cost price, sales price, vendors list and list of colors.
31. Flag items that could be expired.
32. Determine each item grantee period.
33. Flag each item default vendor.
34. Determine item order limit and item alert limit.
35. Assign description for each item.
36. Add any item as a part of an assembly.
37. Copy any item data to a new one.
38. Determine the item default store.
39. Receive a worming mail when the item quantity reaches the limit.
40. Add the predefined element value to any item.
41. Flag the item either it’s a service, inventory item or non-inventory item.
42. Flag the item that he/she wants to track its serials of quantity.
43. Print list of specific items or a single item bar code through a customized report.
44. Define sales tax and income tax of each item.
45. Create an item group which is the container of selected items.
46. Activate / deactivate any item.
47. Handle and manage accounts based on the selected account type.
48. Set the account start period.
49. Distinguish between customer/vendor name, commercial name and legal name.
50. Add multiple -address and flag only one shipment address and only one as billing address.
51. Define a customer discount “by default zero”.
52. Select to automatic mail his/her customers / vendors through the application.
53. Store customer billing details, shipment details and preferred shipment agent.
54. Define customer stores to send the order to specific store.
55. Define customer vendor contacts / contact people and flag the primary and the alternatives.
56. Make a quick call, quick fax and quick mail through the application.
57. Add this/her predefined element value to any customer / vendor.
58. Copy any customer/vendor data to a new one.
59. Marge one or more duplicated customer/vendor.
60. Create price list of items and assign them to any customer.
61. Categorize customer and vendor in an n level category.
62. Define customer/vendor in an n level of customers/vendors.
63. List customer as a vendor and vendor as a customer.
64. Define the full data of any store included store type.
65. Assign a specific location to a specific item.
66. Block some transaction on items in a particular store.
67. Add any item to the invoice using the bar code reader.
68. Determine the paid amount, and then the system will calculate the reminder.
69. Transferee item from any warehouse to another.
70. Modify vendor loaded data (addresses, preferences).
71. Handle refused quantity through any purchasing order.
72. Make a sales order with different status (quote, in progress, fully shipped, invoiced, paid, and cancelled).
73. Define sales person the system is dealing with either to be an outsider sales person or an employee or define their sales commission.
74. Handle the sales return quantity and accounting treatment.
75. Accept quantity received or refuse in inspection document.
76. Handle accept quantity through receipt order.
77. Create different types of payment methods.
78. Order a stock from specific supplier and determining (issue date – warehouse to receive – tax method).
79. Save draft orders, sent by mail or fax if exist.
80. Order all or part of low stock items at a time.
81. Return order that received from specific vendor or from specific purchasing order.
82. Customize the flow of transactions, control which transactions that are enabled and which transactions that are linked to each other.